02-11-2011 , Rabu Pagi
Nisfu (1/2) Dinar - Rp. 1.119.500,-
Dinar - Rp. 2.239.000,-
Dinarayn - Rp. 4.478.000,-
Daniq (1/6) Dirham - Rp. 11.083,-
Nisfu (1/2) Dirham - Rp. 33.250,-
Dirham - Rp. 66.500,-
Dirhamayn - Rp. 133.000,-
Khamsa - Rp. 332.500,-
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Kelantan debate
H. Abu Bakr Rieger - Chairman WIM
It reminds me of the old Asterix books Gaul is entirely occupied, but a small village provided some resistance.
Or so it feels good right now for the Malaysian small state of Kelantan. The announcement to introduce, dinars and dirhams as a new barter currency of the country, has certainly attracted world attention. While Europe is still somewhat paralyzed looking for a way out of the irrational financial dilemma these days, the small state is ready.
Located in the historic financial crisis and the largest flood of paper money in human history, the small Kelantan remembers with just under two million inhabitants on an old anti-inflationary tradition. "Land of the dinar and dirham," is now on large banners to welcome guests at the Kota Bharu Airport. The leaders see the dinar not only a link back to the Islamic beliefs of the economy, but also a useful means for shaping the economic future of the country. In particular, the likely devaluation of all paper money currencies while urging those responsible to act quickly, with the sole aim of protecting its own people.
The financial strategy of the government is not only backward, or even a romantic escape from the mundane modernity. The facts are as revolutionary as rather simple. From now on, public servants, if they choose to receive one quarter of their wages in gold and silver, therefore, in Dinar and Dirham, can also pay their monthly water and electricity bills with it. The first business man already on the official presentation of the Kelantan-dinar "to pay his Zakat. The enthusiasm in the market for capital is certainly huge - nearly 1,000 shops have already announced the adoption of the Dinar. So it is in Kelantan not the hoarding of gold, but the circulation.
In Malaysia, another exciting chapter has begun - the currency debate. Since the former Premier of the country, Dr. Mahathir, after the aggressive currency speculation of the 90s, the "Gold Dinar" is called in Kuala Lumpur. The theme of "Gold" was an integral part of domestic political debates. Many Malaysians see in the free choice of the money is a crucial right to freedom. Currently, the Kelantan debate revolves around the question of whether the state - for example, argues the National Bank, has exceeded its legal powers.
However, Kelantan has never claimed that the dinar is a "Legal Tender", ie about the official currency of Malaysia. Unlike the South African Krugerrand is why you have to pay VAT for the Dinar Kelantan in many parts of the world. The mentioned in the Quran "dinar" is also due to its own history, dating back to the beginning of Islam, not "alternative currency" or any "currency" in the modern sense. The dinar is outside so a bit more of the usual terminology.
The coins are according to Islamic law, comparable only one weight and with other goods, such as rice. In contrast to modern currencies, which is a monopoly, in the Islamic market it was never a compulsion to "only use" the Dinar. Datuk Husam Musa, Chairman of State for Finance and Economic Development remains, at least bothered by such swelling debate: "Various reports that the dinar will be the second payment Kelantan, are inaccurate and have caused confusion. I can not see why this question is so inflated after Kelantan introduces the use of the dinar. It is available at the beginning of Islam.' he told media representatives.
(Google translate from German to English)
by Hajj Abu Bakr Rieger http://www.abubakrrieger.de/
Dibaca : 1247 kali

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